Event Schedule

Qualified Teams

Wondering how top players qualified for the 2023 Play! Pokémon GO Championship Series World Championships? Explore their teams and stats below. (MW = Match Wins, GW = Game Wins, GL = Game Losses)

Last Update: Torino & Milwaukee

Pokemon Usage

Top Pokemon

Breakdown by Pokemon

This chart tracks Usage and Performance of each Pokémon across all Play! Pokémon events listed in order of occurrence. Usage (U) is the % of teams with that Pokémon for each event. Performance (P) reflects whether a Pokémon was found more or less often on “Top Cut” teams when compared to all teams.

For Performance calculations, Top Cut (Top Cut U) teams were considered to be those that finished in the top 20% of teams rounded to the nearest final placement cutoff.

P = (Top Cut U – Total U) / Total U

We place more value on Usage and Performance from medium to large events. Event size is indicated by width of line, and you can adjust the event size filter as well.