Top GBL Teams (September 3rd)

Open Great League

The Max Out update is the biggest update for Pokémon GO PvP this year. There’s too many changes to go over all of them. The biggest things to look out for are:

  • Wing Attack and Steel Wing changes reducing the viability of many prominent Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Mud Shot and Mud Slap changes rearranging the Ground-type pecking order.
  • Poison Sting damage increase boosting the power of Clodsire, Drapion, Qwilfish, and more.
  • Counter energy decrease and Karate Chop changes shifting the power of Fighting-type Pokémon towards glass cannons such as Shadow Machamp and Pandora.
  • Body Slam damage decrease affecting some of the best Pokémon
  • Some previous threats “dodging” nerfs – such as Feraligatr and Mandibuzz

Galar Cup: Little Edition

With such a tiny meta, there’s not enough great teams for a graphic. Shuckle and Bronzor seem to be very dominant in this meta, but we understand it’s a large investment to build these behemoths.

Some ideas:






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